Reducing, Reusing, Reciting Vows: A Guide To Eco-Conscious Celebrations

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Wedding Couple

Weddings are joyous occasions that most couples will plan and execute to the fullest, equipped with exquisite decorations, beautiful dresses, delicious cuisine, and music that elevates the atmosphere. The costs that come with these decorations, attire, catering and entertainment, of course, skyrocket – and with that, so do the carbon emissions that make up the environmental impact of the wedding. But instead of trading off your vows for the environment, sustainable celebrations allow for newlyweds to celebrate eco-consciously. It’s a decision that starts a marriage on the right foot, and reducing, reusing, and reciting vows is a great beginning!



At the core of every eco-friendly event is the philosophy of reducing: reducing the amount of items ordered, reducing the cost of items purchased, and reducing the waste that the event accrues. To begin, focus on cleaning up every step of your event planning process and eliminate any unnecessary details from the equation.


    • Invitations: Instead of ordering and sending out physical invitations, consider using digital methods such as save-the-date cards and e-vites.


    • Décor: Take the time to research your local thrift shop for items that will make up the decorations to keep the cost of the event to a minimum.


    • Catering: Serve food that’s locally-sourced and, if possible, vegan to ensure that the food being served is conscious of the planet.


    • Registry: Give guests the option to donate to a charity organization instead of selecting a gift for a couple. This is great for reducing waste.




As much as possible, include elements in your event that can be reused and repurposed. A good starting ground for couples who are searching for items that are up for reuse and repurposing are local larger-scale events that happen often. Items like chairs, tables and décor can be borrowed from previous events.


Another great tip for couples searching to reuse is to have the members of their bridal party and wedding entourage use their own dresses and suits instead of purchasing new ones. This can also apply to trademark accessories such as shoes, handbags, and jewellery. Reusing each other’s looks not only saves a lot of money, but forfeits the extra waste that is generated from every new garment and item purchased.



Another way couples can stick to their eco-friendly vows is to recite them during a celebration. There are several eco-conscious organizations that have tailored services for weddings and other events that allow guests to engage in eco-friendly activities. Whether it’s creating a butterfly garden, donating seeds that can then be planted, or cleaning up public parks, couples can choose activities that leave a positive impact on their community.


Eco-conscious celebrations don’t have to be boring – and small decisions such as reducing, reusing, and reciting vows can help with making eco-friendly weddings enjoyable. By reducing the items used for the event, reusing different items from other events, and reciting eco-conscious vows, couples can ensure that their weddings are conscious of the planet and what lives on it.